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Monroe Abram, born in 1933, discusses some of the changes he has seen in St. Peter Claver Parish, as well as some of the priests and parishioners he knew.

Monroe Abram, 88, was born in Macon, GA to Helen and Monroe Abram, one of three children,…

Gwendolyn Stroud Booker discusses her years as a child at St. Peter Claver School, converting to Catholicism, and experiences with segregation.

Gwendolyn Stroud Booker, 75, was born in 1944 to Jesse and Otelia Stroud, who were Baptist. Gwendolyn…

Carol Redding Cummings tells of her Christian faith through the family. Her mother was a faithful member at St. Peter Claver for over 85 years. Barbara was baptized at SPC in 1934 and also sang in the choir 70 years.

Carol Redding Cummings, 85,…

Barbara Clowers shares her experiences as a teacher at St. Peter Claver School. She also witnessed the racial integration of the parishes in Macon, and served as the Chair of the SPC Evangelist Mission which had a great impact on the community and…

Alice Marcella Bailey, 77, was born in Macon, Georgia to Hattie Lorene Costella Oliver Bailey (d. 1962) and Horace Bailey (d. 1965), the middle of three children. She attended St. Peter Claver Catholic School and [Old] Ballard High School (later…
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